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## differences between SQL and NoSQL databases:

Relational Databases (RDBMS) non-relational or distributed database
are table based are document based, key-value pairs, graph
have predefined schema have dynamic schema for unstructured data
vertically scalable horizontally scalable
scaled by increasing the horse-power of the hardware scaled by increasing the databases servers
uses SQL ( structured query language ) for defining and manipulating the data UnQL (Unstructured Query Language)
SQL examples: MySql, Oracle, Sqlite, Postgres and MS-SQL UnQL examples: MongoDB, BigTable, Redis, RavenDb, Cassandra, Hbase, Neo4j and CouchDb
good fit for the complex query intensive environment not good
not best fit for hierarchical data storage fits better
can use highly preferred for large data set (Hbase )
For high transactional based application can use
Excellent support Β 
emphasizes on ACID properties follows the Brewers CAP
open-source or close-sourced classified on the basis of way of storing data

## What kind of data is a good fit for an SQL database?

complex query intensive environment ## Give a real world example. MySQL Microsoft visual studio, Sql Server , gaming ## What kind of data is a good fit a NoSQL database? Semi-structured or Unstructured data / flexible schema. ## Give a real world example. MongoDB companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google ## Which type of database is best for hierarchical data storage? SQL ## Which type of database is best for scalability? MySQL (SQL)


## What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Language

## What is a realational database?

SQL database

## What type of structure does a relational database work with?


## What is a β€˜schema’?

is a useful mechanism to segregate database objects for different applications, have filed and each filed have values.

## What is a NoSQL database?

a database which is employed for managing the massive collection of unstructured data

## Howo does it work?

store data in(collections and that each collection has documents ) rather than relational tables.and no β€˜schema’ here

## What is inside of a Mongo database?

stores data records as documents (specifically BSON documents) which are gathered together in collections.

## Which is more flexible - SQL or MongoDB? and why.

MongoDB ensures high and diverse data availability,with the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability)

## What is the disadvantage of a NoSQL database?

don’t have the reliability functions which Relational Databases


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