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AWS: Events


Review, Research, and Discussion

Describe the similarities between AWS API Gateway + Lambda functions and an ExpressJS Server ❓ πŸ“

express server can build an API-server & write the functions for each route to respond each of them.
same fynctionality can be done by Lambda & API-Gateway services.

List the AWS Database offerings and talk about the pros and cons of each ❓ πŸ“

AWS Database

What’s the difference between a FIFO and a standard queue ❓ πŸ“

FIFO vs standard

How can the server be assured a message was properly received ❓

by logging tools or tests

Serverless API

this API that will can create it without writing any line of codeing, and will run without thinking of maintaining server.


an action that when happaen will run a function to do something.

Dynamo vs Mongo

Dynamo is AWS NoSql database service. Mongo is a service that uses MongoDB service.

Difference between SQS and SNS

SNS is a distributed publish-subscribe system. Messages are pushed to subscribers as and when they are sent by publishers to SNS. SQS is distributed queuing system. Messages are not pushed to receivers.

SNS is a distributed publish-subscribe service.
SQS is distributed queuing service.



Preparation Materials

SQS and SNS Basics vid


SNS Javascript SDK
SQS Javascript SD