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Solving Problems

Solving Problems 💢

1⃣ The most common mistake when someone tries to solve a programming problem is they try to start writing code ASAP.

make sure to take enough time to think before starting code.

2⃣️ Another mistake is trying to solve all the problems the first time.

Just broke the big problem into pieces (small problems).

Simple steps for any algorithm-type programming problem:

  1. Read the problem completely twice

    most important step

  2. Solve the problem manually with 3 sets of sample data.
  3. Optimize the manual steps.
  4. Write the manual steps as comments or pseudo-code.
  5. Replace the comments or pseudo-code with real code.
  6. Optimize the real code.

How to think like a programmer

How to think like a programmer

WHY🤔 ??

HOW🤔 ??

  1. Plan
  1. Divide
  1. If Stuck ?

5 Whys To

5 Whys

Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly

How to Use the 5 Whys (seven-step)

  1. Assemble a Team
  1. Define the Problem
  1. Ask the First “Why?”
  1. Ask “Why?” Four More Times
  1. Know When to Stop
  1. Address the Root Cause(s)
  1. Monitor Your Measures

Pretend Your Time is Worth $1,000/Hour and You’ll Become 100x More Productive

Imagine that an hour of your time is worth $1,000 , What would your life look like ??

Solving Problems

think like a programmer

5 Whys

Act like you make $1000/hr